I've enjoyed (almost) every day of my long writing career. Now it's time to give back—and help
others live into their dreams. I've published books on writing that share all the tips, tools,
and techniques I learned the hard way—so you can learn them an easier way.
(Read more about my coaching and editing below.)

Get your copy of 3 free writing books!

Tired of dreading writing projects? Ready to write faster, stronger, better?
These three books will get you off and running.

And they're free!

1. Debunk 10 common writing myths such as "Successful writers write great first drafts" and "Successful writers are always motivated." Learn the truth and build your confidence.

2. Save time with five handy checklists: 1) Cut Through Fear & Dread, 2) Tell Successful Stories, 3) Edit for Success, 4) Tap into Creativity, and 5) Grammar Goof & Gaffe checklists. All the tools you need to write like a pro!

3. Write articles and blogs people actually want to read.

Get started now with these free tips and tools. I've been using them for years—and they've helped me write 1,200 articles for major publications and 23 books (and counting!).

Just click on the three books above to get yours!

P.S. Sharing the Fruits of My Life

As a professional writer for 35+ years and a writing coach since 2006, I’m hopelessly in love with words: their flow, their nuance, their message. When I’m not writing my Appalachian Mountain Mysteries series (eight books to date with more than 1,000 five-star ratings and reviews), I coach clients who want to write better at work or write those books they've always dreamed of writing.

As I edit their work, I share tips, tools, and tricks of the trade—techniques I learned the hard way. I can still recall how embarrassed I was that my first drafts were so rough. I didn’t know that that’s just the creative process. So now I help my students and clients relax enough to write their terrible first drafts, which they can make better with each edit. Sure, that blank screen or page looks daunting, but I assure them that even CEOs or bestselling authors write bad first drafts. Once we agree on that, there’s no telling where their creativity (with a little help from my editing) will take them!

It’s a real pleasure to work with authors and writers and share the fruits of my life.

Why not take advantage of my free 30-minute telephone consultation for writers who are serious about their craft?  Just send a note to: Lynda [at] LyndaMcDanielBooks [dot] com

Thanks and best wishes,
